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Emergency Talk

Intersectoral communication networks for emergency medicine

Presented and published at


Emergency Talk App in action

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Shaping the Future

The concept of Emergency Talk Networks (ETN) as well as the functionality of the Emergency Talk App (ETA) were presented in the context of the lecture series "Verantwortung Zukunft - Mobilität und Gesundheitsversorgung im ländlichen Raum" ("Responsibility for the Future - Mobility and Health Care in Rural Areas").

The presentation first focused on the current challenges in health care systems, especially in the field of emergency medicine. To overcome these challenges, the necessity and the opportunities of a intersectoral communication solution were discussed.

After presenting requirements for such a technical solutions and its implementation, the Emergency Talk App was presented. In a live and realistic case study the functionality could be demonstrated.

Watch lecture in German (YouTube)

Intersectoral communication

Collaboration saves lives

Intersectoral communication is of great importance in many areas of health care. Medical competence can support emergency medical services at the scene, shorten therapy-free intervals and initiate continuous treatment at an early stage - the emergency room can therefore optimally prepare for the incoming patient.

In many other areas, especially non-acute cases, optimal treatment can be performed together with other healthcare providers, patients can be protected by avoiding transports and limited resources of emergency care can be used more efficiently.

Konzept Emergency Talk Network

Working together for better patient care

With Emergency Talk, care providers can communicate intersectorally in real time. In addition to the interprofessional exchange, patients can actively be involved and thus have a say in his or her further treatment.

Keep an eye on

The intuitive user interface displays all the information required for treatment or consultation at any time.

Real-time video and audio communication

Video and audio transmission provide reliable communication and assessment of the patient's condition and environment.

Chat with manual confirmation

Diagnoses, medication dosages and instructions can be sent in a protocolled chat and their receipt can be confirmed in a legally binding manner.

Documents, Checklists & Algorithms

To ensure that treatment is carried out in accordance with current guidelines, necessary documents, checklists, etc. are available at all times - individually for each caller.

Every minute counts

With the alarm monitor emergency rooms or public-safety answering points can get an overview of all current calls and respond to them quickly.

Immediate feedback

Providing feedback on the current availability for telemedical consultation.

Audible alarm

Alerting is crucial, so this is done acoustically and visually. This can also be customised to suit your individual environment.

Alerting service providers

Many health care providers already have different systems in place for alerting staff. These can be connected to the alarm solution via interfaces.

Building the future through research


Started as a research project at the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen - University of Applied Sciences continuous and objective scientific evaluation allowed a continuous improvement and development. These concepts and results are regularly presented at national and international congresses.

Scientific Reports - Nature

Comparing effects and application of telemedicine for different specialties in emergency medicine using the Emergency Talk Application (U‑Sim ETA Trial)

The Journal of Medicine Access 2022

To meet the challenges in emergency services, especially the increasing demand for emergency physicians, a technological solution with a user-oriented approach was developed. The holistic telemedical concept connects clinical emergency physicians and emergency paramedics on site with live audio and video communication as well as vital data. The solution is DSGVO-compliant and cost-effective and affordable due to the usage of various established systems..

HIMSS 2021

At the Global Health Conference and Exhibition of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) 2021, the concept of the tele-emergency physicians and the associated challenges were presented. The development steps, the concept of Emergency Talk Networks (ETN) and the technical implementation were presented. The aim was to convey the network idea to the audience and to show how such a low-threshold approach can solve the current challenges in healthcare.

DGINA 2021

At the 16th annual conference of the German Society for Interdisciplinary Emergency and Acute Medicine (DGINA) 2021, the interim results of the simulation and usability study (U-SIM-ETA) were presented in a poster session. In the 141 simulations, an average consultation duration of 8:26 min, technical stability and high user satisfaction (SUS score > 80) could be demonstrated. The first results show that such a solution can be used efficiently in the EMS.

DINK 2021

At the German Interdisciplinary Emergency Medicine Congress (DINK) 2021, the concept of Emergency Talk Networks (ETN) was presented in a quick-fire session. It was shown that there are hardly any intersectoral technological interfaces so far and that modern real-time technologies in particular can strengthen regional interdisciplinary healthcare models. In addition, patient flows can be controlled more reliably, patients can be treated in the best possible way and existing resources can be used optimally.

DINK 2020

At the German Interdisciplinary Emergency Medicine Congress (DINK) 2020, the results of the comparison between different telemedical systems to support the care of emergency patients in the EMS as well as a specially developed telemedicine system were presented in a quick-fire session. In standardised test scenarios at a regional healthcare provider and ambulance service, the concept could be tested for its practical suitability. It cost-effectively fulfils the requirements of the German health care system as well as data protection.

Experience Emergency Talk

Would you like to test Emergency Talk in a pilot project at your service provider? Then contact us and together we will see how you can soon benefit from intersectoral networks.

Contact us now